Pinnacles/TV Towers

The Pinnacles is a memorable jeep ride climbing sandy hills, rock crawling and squeezing through tight spots! It is a windy, twisty, rocky road for the thrill seeker! We also take a small detour to go to the TV towers on the cliff above the Kanab City Park. From there we see a spectacular view. This tour is by far the most fun to drive! We spend just a few minutes outside of the Jeep on this one. There certainly are some spectacular views where we will stop, but this one is all about the 4 wheel low, let the Jeep do the dirty work, crawl speed, up and down the rocks and sand. It is a safe ride, but you will certainly ask yourself a few times, “Are cars supposed to drive here?!” Not everyone likes to bring their tours up these rocks because its hard on the vehicles, but we love it!! We strongly recommend this add on to the Peekaboo Slot Canyon Tour.

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Request a tour

We are a family run business so our availability can vary. Please give us a call or fill out the information below to request a tour, date, and time and we will get back to you as soon as we can to schedule your tour (usually within 24 hours)!

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